The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Pittsburgh is a nonsectarian nonprofit organization that offers interest-free loans. Borrowers pay back the exact amount HFL lent them. There is no fine print. The loans are intended to help a borrower become economically self-sufficient.
During the course of three centuries, HFL has been empowering individuals and families in Pittsburgh to accomplish goals they could not otherwise afford through these interest-free loans. HFL is one of the original microlenders in the United States and the oldest of 40 such Hebrew Free Loan societies in the United States. Borrowers are met with respect, compassion, and confidentiality.
HFL’s mission is based on the Biblical mandate not to collect interest when lending money to those in need. Loans, rather than charity, help people become and remain self-sufficient.
Loans are available regardless of religion, race, age, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation provided that the borrower is a resident of Allegheny, Washington, Westmoreland, Armstrong, Butler, or Beaver County and has a source of income.
HFL Provides Free Loans For:
- College Tuition/College Expenses
- Private/Parochial School Tuition
- Continuing Education/Job Training
- Summer Camp
- Small Business
- Home Improvements/Renovation
- Medical Expenses/Dental Expenses
- Adoption Expenses
- Fertility Treatments
- Vehicle Repair/Vehicle Purchase
- Family Emergencies
- Funeral Expenses
- Debt Consolidation
- Wedding Expenses
- Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Expenses
- First Month/Security Deposit, Down Payments
- and more!